All too quick this one is over as well. The flight home was quick, it is amazing how fast 11 hours can go by. We did get some pretty decent views of Greenland and (way) Northern Canada. Simply amazing parts of the world.
This was a fun one, world class sites that do not have world class names. Ok, maybe Mt Etna is a big name… We learned a lot, stretched or minds a little and did the one thing that helps us reset our brains to tackle the next year or so, go so far away you can’t walk home. Try it sometime, you may like it!
During the car ride home the discussion for next years trip started. Let the negotiation begin!
Many thanks to Nancy, Les and the crew at Ladera Travel. Your patience and hand-holding is much appreciate for this and all the trips you helped us arrange. Anyone who is reading this blog and is thinking of a trip, Ladera is a recommended place to turn to.
FYI Nancy the east is beckoning….